Oppo, tell me everything you know...

Kinja'd!!! "K-Roll-PorscheTamer" (k-roll390)
02/14/2019 at 12:00 • Filed to: Megatron

Kinja'd!!!0 Kinja'd!!! 22

About the Megatron engine. I never knew such an amazingly engineered-yet clinically insane engine existed like this. And I’m more shocked that this is a god damned 4 cylinder! I F’ing love Germany. But I need to learn MOAR!!





Kinja'd!!! random001 > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
02/14/2019 at 12:04


It does not run on gas, it runs on energon.

Kinja'd!!! K-Roll-PorscheTamer > random001
02/14/2019 at 12:07



I’m not disappointed by this answer.

Kinja'd!!! CaptDale - is secretly British > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
02/14/2019 at 12:09


I know nothing, but I want it in a Lotus 7

Kinja'd!!! gmctavish needs more space > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
02/14/2019 at 12:11


My favourite story about them is how they used old 60s M10 blocks that had been proven to be strong through use.

I want an E21 with box flares and an M12, that would be a fun way to probably die.


Kinja'd!!! ItalianJobR53 - now with added 'MERICA and unreliability > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
02/14/2019 at 12:13


All of this is iirc

It ran on a mixture of 90% toulene and remaining was octane. Short block was a stock BMW production block. They were pulled from high miles road cars, the theory being that if it has undergone all those thermal and fatigue cycles it is less likely to fail due to an imperfection in the casting. Supposedly it broke the BMW dyno which measured 1300bhp max. So no one know what it is capable of powerwise.

Kinja'd!!! kanadanmajava1 > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
02/14/2019 at 12:19


BMW did the development for M12/13 engine but a separate company was formed after BMW wanted to pull out from F1 activities. I have no idea how they decided to use Megatron as the name (without toy company Hasbro getting annoyed) but it does sound nice. The engine itself is fairly simple design. Here’s a video in where BMW guys are assembling one surviving engine.

Maybe I’ll try to design an awesome S ta rscream engine that will surpass Megatron engine.

Kinja'd!!! Aremmes > gmctavish needs more space
02/14/2019 at 12:27


The story I’ve head about them is that BMW wanted the old blocks because the heat-cool cycles during normal use made them stronger (through annealing) than what they’d be able to accomplish (quickly and economically enough) at the factory.

Kinja'd!!! random001 > kanadanmajava1
02/14/2019 at 12:29


Which is then immediately destroyed by the transmission, named galvatron...

Kinja'd!!! and 100 more > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
02/14/2019 at 12:43


Were these the engine blocks that the engineers left outside for a year and allegedly peed on, thinking the ammonia in the urine would slowly harden the metal?

Kinja'd!!! Kim Jong - Healthy > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
02/14/2019 at 12:49


this should help:

it’s not the most professionally shot clip, but it gives lots of good info on the engine

Kinja'd!!! AuthiCooper1300 > ItalianJobR53 - now with added 'MERICA and unreliability
02/14/2019 at 13:43


An article from BMW Magazin from, dunno, 20 years ago said that their dyno went up to 1,200 bhp or something and that’s as much as they knew at the time (we are talking about qualifying “grenade” engines here, with the wastegate welded shut - those lasted something like five laps, not more).

The story went that Marc Surer had b e e n do i ng some testing and asked d i rectly “ M r C a m s h a f t ” Rosche w h a t the top power v a l u e w a s and Rosche r eplied something like “u h , around 1,200-1,300 bhp”. Surer, however – he’s Swiss, after all – insisted “but how much exactly ?” to what Rosche replied “listen, man, our dyno just goes up to 1,200... we don’t really know”.

I n e v e r r e a d a n y t h i n g a b o u t t h e d y n o b r e a k i n g , h o w e v e r . T h i s w a s a n i nterview with Ro s c h e w h i c h I w a s t r a n s l a t i n g a t t h e t i m e f o r a n o t h e r n a t i o n a l e dition of BMW Ma g a z i n . I t h ink it i s q u i t e w e i r d t h e broken dyno wou l d n ’ t get a mention . . . b u t m a y b e t hat was censored by the comms department?

Kinja'd!!! AuthiCooper1300 > ItalianJobR53 - now with added 'MERICA and unreliability
02/14/2019 at 13:48


T h e ( 1 0 0% t r u e ) s t o r y a b o u t l o o k i n g f o r M 1 0 b l o c k s i n s c r a p y a r d s h a s a n i n t e r e s t i n g c o d a . R o s c h e a n d co fin a l l y f i g u r e d o u t what the weake r p o i n ts in the o r i g i n a l cast i n g w e r e s o he was allowed to go to the foundry s e c t i o n and a c t u a l l y modif y t h e sand mo u l d s i n t h e r e l e v a n t p l a c e s . I t h i nk he mentioned using. . . a toothpick ?

Kinja'd!!! ItalianJobR53 - now with added 'MERICA and unreliability > AuthiCooper1300
02/14/2019 at 13:49


Wow! That is either crazy or genius...

Kinja'd!!! ItalianJobR53 - now with added 'MERICA and unreliability > AuthiCooper1300
02/14/2019 at 13:51


I may be wrong as well. You probably know more about it than me.

Any chance we can read that interview on the internet somewhere? I’m massively curious!

Kinja'd!!! AuthiCooper1300 > ItalianJobR53 - now with added 'MERICA and unreliability
02/14/2019 at 13:55


Rosche could certainly do crazy . He l e t t h e t e a m try to smuggle Bavarian beer and sausages into Oz - you know, among the tools and engines and such.

T h e y w e r e c a u g h t a n d , p r e d i c t a b l y , t h e s h i t h i t t h e f a n . Y o u d o n ’ t f o o l a r ound with t h e O z c u s t o m s s e r v i c e .

Kinja'd!!! AuthiCooper1300 > ItalianJobR53 - now with added 'MERICA and unreliability
02/14/2019 at 14:02


I imagine someone, somewhere must have scanned the relevant English issue of BMW Magazin. It must have been around 1998 or 1999 (I certainly remember dealing with the articles introducing the Z3 Coupe and X5).

I may have a copy of the original German mag (and possibly also the English version) but I doubt I will ever be able to find it. Too many magazines!

Will report back to base with my findings, if any.


You probably know more about it than me.

no, not at all!

Years later I was given an old BMW Motorsport book in German - In 630 Tagen an die Spitze/Die Weltmeister-Story des BMW Turbo (“630 days to the top, the story of the BMW Turbo in the World Championship”) on their F1 programme. To my eternal shame I must confess I have never got round to delv i n g into it. Maybe I should.

Kinja'd!!! ItalianJobR53 - now with added 'MERICA and unreliability > AuthiCooper1300
02/14/2019 at 14:04



Kinja'd!!! K-Roll-PorscheTamer > and 100 more
02/14/2019 at 14:55


I think so?

Kinja'd!!! AuthiCooper1300 > ItalianJobR53 - now with added 'MERICA and unreliability
02/14/2019 at 15:14


Well, still looking for that darn magazine.

In the meantime I found this on the Internet ( http://www.cs-zone.com/model/AlegendRetires.htm )

One of Rosche’s most memorable quotes came when Swiss driver Marc Surer asked him about the incredible power of his BMW Fl turbo engine. “I could spin the rear tires in fourth gear,” Surer said incredulously. How much horsepower was there?

“At least 1,300,” replied Rosche.

Surer persisted. “But can you be exact?” he asked.

“It’s probably more,” Rosche said, pausing for effect and giving his trademark shrug of the shoulders. “But 1 don’t know how much more—because that’s as high as our dyno goes.”

T h a t ’ s e x a c t l y w h a t I r e m e m b e r t r a n s l a t i n g a t t h e time.

Kinja'd!!! kanadanmajava1 > random001
02/14/2019 at 15:47


Maybe this time it’s going to be different.

After the season’s last disastrous race at Autobot City the Decepticon race team remembers to refuel Astrotrain the race team transporter truck before heading home . Then they don’t have to throw Mega tron the engine ( suffer ing from piston pin failure) to a recyc ling bin to save fuel . Megatron will be fixed and kept as the rookie driver’s engine while their better car powe red by Starscream the engine dominates the next season.

And as Megatron remains in use it wont be discovered by Unicron the next season’s nasty rulebook . Due this turbocharged engines wont be banned.

Starscream the engine will also form a strong alliance with S hockwave the engine management unit. Shockwave’s flawless logic keeps S ta rscream from facing knock and piston pin failures.

Kinja'd!!! ItalianJobR53 - now with added 'MERICA and unreliability > AuthiCooper1300
02/15/2019 at 01:45


That was a nice read. Thanks :)

Kinja'd!!! NojustNo > Kim Jong - Healthy
02/17/2019 at 12:45


Rimmer telling Lister where he lost his virginity

Rimmer: Sandra, she was called. We did it in the back of my brother’s car.

Lister: What was it like?

Rimmer: Oh, brilliant. Incredible. (Goes glassy-eyed) Bentley convertible. V8 turbo. Walnut veneer panelling. Marvellous machine.